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Cheribundi: Tart Cherry Juice ***REVIEW

Cheribundi Tart Cherry Juice

The Cheribundi challenge has been circulating so I decided to join in the action. The challenge involves adding an 8 ounce serving of Cheribundi to your diet for 7 consecutive days. That sounds easy enough. I had the 'Protein' and 'Relax' varieties. Protein is designed to accelerate muscle recovery. Relax is set to ease you into a good night's rest with melatonin. I love cherries so I knew I would enjoy it.

While many cherry juice brands are from concentrate, Cheribundi is not. They use a gentle juicing process that does not require high heat in order to extract. The end result is the purest antioxidant juice on the planet. They don't add water, sugar or preservatives to this product. So your body will benefit greatly from the raw nutrients of the cherries. They preserve the natural goodness of the fruit by shaking the trees rather than picking them. This will ensure that each bottle gets the full strength in every serving.

When I included the product with my daily routine, I felt a difference within a day. My calves usually give me a rough time after a run in the park. After day one, I didn't feel much pain. The second thing I noticed was that it was not a struggle to fall asleep. I timed the 'Relax' several hours before bedtime and it seemed to work.

The taste was pleasant. I have tried tart cherry juice before and the experience was not wonderful. Those competitors did not take into account an enjoyable experience for customers. Their drink may have had great benefits but was too sour to continue with their brand. Cheribundi has taken taste into account in conjunction with making a health-conscious brand people will love.

All in all I approve of this brand and give them the 'Ash Said it' stamp of approval. Cheribundi is best enjoyed cold, the bottles are compact and they will give your body the vitamins it needs.

Click Here for more info on the latest news with Cheribundi.

This blog post contains links sponsored by Cheribundi.

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