Kick Off Oktoberfest at Bistro Off Broad

Partygoers can kick off Oktoberfest festivities by visiting Bistro Off Broad for a special Oktoberfest dinner on Thursday, October 18th. Serving a bevy of German-inspired dishes on the chef-curated buffet created by Executive Chef Alex Friedman, patrons can advantage of Vorspeise
(Appetizers): Fondue — Beer and Cheese Fondue with Vegetables and Bread; Brezel — Sour Dough Soft Pretzels with House Made Mustard; Kartoffelkroketten - Sauerkraut Ham Croquette; Obazda – Camembert and Beer Spread. Beilagen (Side Dishes): Sauerkraut — Fermented Cabbage; Schwäbischer Kartoffelsalat – German Potato Salad; Spaetzel – Butter Fried Dumpling Noodles; Grüne Bohnen — Green Beans; Rotkohl – Braised Red Cabbage. Hauptgericht (Entrees): Bratwurst – German Sausage; Jagerschnitzel – Fried Pork Cutlets wint Mushroom Gravy; Sauerbraten – Brisket Pot Roast; Knackwurst – German Smoked Sausage. As if that was’t enough, Bistro Off Broad has created a special Dessert, Apfelstrudel – Apple Strudel.
Tickets are available for $25 per person, plus applicable fees. Specialty cocktails, beers and wines will be available for an additional charge. Reservations are required. For more information or to make a reservation, call (678) 963-5517 or e-mail