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Mall Nostalgia: 61% of Americans Wish Malls Would Make a Comeback

Mall Nostalgia: 61% of Americans Wish Malls Would Make a Comeback
Mall Nostalgia: 61% of Americans Wish Malls Would Make a Comeback

In a world dominated by online shopping, there is an undeniable charm and longing for a bygone era—the golden age of shopping malls. Many of these colossal structures, once bustling with activity, now stand as relics of a different time.

As we hit summer, check out this new report on shopping mall nostalgia. According to a survey, more than 50% of Americans miss going to malls and almost two thirds wish traditional shopping malls would make a comeback (Gen Z is hoping for a revival the most!)

  • Favorite parts of shopping at a mall: Convenience, window shopping, getting food, socializing, department stores

  • 40% of Americans wish a mall would open in their area

  • 1 in 10 say mall closures have impacted their social life

More than two thirds of Americans live within an hour of an abandoned shopping mall and many want to see something done with that prime real estate. Some of the ideas for repurposing old malls include turning them into parks, community centers, living spaces and providing space for other businesses and retail shops.

Take a look at the full report which includes more on why American believe so many shopping malls have closed and how the government should help with repurposing those buildings.

1 Comment

Feb 12

This article perfectly captures the nostalgia and hope for the revival of malls—insightful and engaging!

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