Spooky Situations at Home: 42% Have Felt “Unexplained Presence”
Whether it’s strange footsteps echoing in the hallway or an eerie presence when you’re alone… nearly 2 in 5 Americans say they’ve experienced unusual or unexplained occurrences at home.
More than 1 in 3 report hearing unexplained sounds such as footsteps or voices
Nearly 1 in 5 have seen apparitions or ghostly figures
1 in 10 have used a Ouija board at home, but 42% say they’d never do it again
Think these spine-tingling statistics only happen in creepy basements or dusty attics? The bedroom is actually the #1 place for spooky situations.
Check out the full report for more chilling statistics, including how many Americans would be willing to purchase a house that is haunted… and how much they’d be willing to pay for it!